Monday, December 30, 2013

Daily Workout Posting

My ShowMe fitness challenge ended last Saturday and I am please to say I won the challenge for showing up and completing all the necessary social media check-ins, food journal completion and posting videos on the site.  What blast getting to try Crossfit.
I am going to begin posting my workouts on here.  These workouts are what I do each day on my own to challenge myself. 
I use AHITT Timer app on my phone to time the intervals.  (Free download) you just have to adjust the time of the work and rest intervals.  Of course you can make it harder or easier making the intervals of rest longer or the work intervals shorter or by using less weight.  For the burpees they were chest to ground with a jump up.  As you see I was on my knees for the push ups.

If you try the workout post how it felt, any modifications you made.  If you made the workout harder post that too.  I'd love to hear about it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Initiation Crossfit

Well today I took a cross fit class for the first time.  It was intense and I plan to remember this day for the rest of my life. 
Here are the high points:
The routine we performed was the Filthy Fifty.   Here is what it was
Warm up-- Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 (progressively get heavier)
For time: 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in 
50 Jumping Pull-ups 
50 Kettle bell Swings, 35/26 lbs. 
50 Walking Lunges 
50 Knees To Elbows 
50 Push Press, 45/35 lbs. 
50 Back Extensions 
50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs. 
50 Burpees 
50 Double Unders

In the class there was probably 9 people all I am pretty sure were at least 10 years younger that this gal.  

We set up all the equipment (stations) boxes, jump ropes, kettle belles, and press bar.  Then the timer started.  I will tell you that I stared at the box for a good 40 seconds.  I was scared, I will admit it, it was tall, and I am not.  So I mustered up the courage to jump and I landed on the box (yah you may think -- success, --- hear eye of the tiger playing in the background) however as soon as I landed my legs decided not to straighten up and this gal back planted on the ground just as quickly as I had landed on the box I was down sprawled on my back (where were YouTube filmers when you need them that would have gotten a jillion hits).  Other class member were like are you ok (still doing their box jumps).  I will tell you that nothing was hurt (though it probably looked BAD) other than my pride.  I proceeded to get a shorter box.  Again, the courage mustering began, I shook my head and said to the instructor I think that is too high too, he turned it on its side, and I proceeded to do my box jumps. 
The time stopped at 33 minutes.  I had completed all but 25 Burpees and the double unders.  However, I know I could have finished- just not Rx'd obviously since I could not even do box jumps at correct height.  I was sweating and red and I gave it all that I had.  
In addition, I wasn't the only one who didn't finish.

Here's the reason I want to remember this day 12-4-13.  
  1. I faced my fear
  2. I failed (epic- but usually I don't attempt things I am not sure I can do)
  3. I fell 
  4. I didn't quit and kept going
  5. It so memorable because I am confident that I will perform better than I did on this day.  I will beat the girl I was today- no doubt

Friday, November 22, 2013

Kansas City Fitness Program

Over the past 5 months, I have participated in a program called the Kansas City Fitness Program.  The program is a community of people who support one another and the goal of course is to lose weight.  I really wish I would have written during the initial 12 weeks as they were amazing.  I was able to lose 27 lbs by being part of this amazing group/concept.
The program gave us membership to 7+ gyms (most were 40+ miles from me), weekly weigh ins and adventure run. Each Team gave encouragement, support and advice to one another.  It became a family.  The most valuable part of this was the membership to all the different gyms that was the opportunity of a lifetime to be able to try out all the different programs, classes and facilities.
I was on the Teal Team and our group was awesome.  The top 5 in % of weight lost during the 12 weeks also received a makeover, and photoshoot for the Kansas City Fitness Magazine.I finished 4th in my group and got the makeover and photo shoot!!
The most important part of this program is the accountability.  I have never been someone who takes classes, they intimidated me.  However having my fit family there with me made all the difference.  I experienced, boxing, sand workouts, classes with at least 10 different trainers.  It was awesome.
In addition to the workouts we also had a life coach and a meeting with a nutritionist to support us wholly on this program. It was absolutely amazing.

The program supported me and helped me so much inside and out.  It was so much more than a weight loss program I consider it a life change program. Check it out

I wanted to share a recipe I have absolutely loved eating as a treat.

Protein Pudding
Prepare in vitamix
1 cup of 1 % cottage Cheese
.25 cup of coconut milk (unsweetened)
1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
3 packets of truvia (or stevia)
1 Tblsp Chunky peanut butter
1Tblsp PB2
1 tsp Raw cacao powder
(optional) splash of vanilla extract
Mix in vitamix on slow speed 1-3  (may need to pushdown to help mix then speed to mix it thoroughly. (mix approximately 2 minutes until well blended and smooth)
This amount makes 4   1/2 cup servings there are approximately 221 calories per serving.
You can go to Spark People to their recipe calculator if you add additional ingredients or use a different type of cottage cheese.  They taste like a Reeses peanut butter cup.  I make these for my afternoon snack and take to work with me. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Low Carb mini (o) Pizzas

Made these and they were great.  Could hardly save any as my family tried to eat them all.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today I did the walk of shame.  What is that and what does it have to do with health and fitness.  To understand my Walk of Shame I need to explain my routine and myself.

My big Bag

Toiletry bag - a necessity

Some of the items inside

I work out in the mornings before work.  I have a huge gym bag that has everything.  Explanation:  I live about 25 miles from the gym where I work out.  I know this goes against all advice you hear.  Find a gym close to your home or where you work.  My gym is neither.  My choice is quality and economical.  I have accepted that my gym is not close by so it makes me plan well.  I have been at the gym and forgotten essential items that I thought I packed the night before: bra, underwear- yikes, washcloth, a towel you name it I have been without it after a workout. Therefore, I have devised a system and found a gym bag that has enough space for back up items.  I bought it from Costco and it is the best bag I have found for everything.  It only cost $25 and is very sturdy.  - Now I do not work for Costco or anything but, I do recommend if you want a real gym bag that you check this one out. You cannot beat it for the money.  I have devised a system with this bag and the little bag that fits inside. 
It holds everything I would need after the gym.  Anyway, on with my story.  I pack this the night before I plan to work out. I also pick out my outfit and put it all in my car the night before so I do not have to carry it to the car in the morning.   It works great since moving my gym bag is a sort of workout in and of itself.  
Now everything is packed what the walk of shame is.......................
That next morning I am too sore, or too tired from listening to my husband snore or whatever my lame excuse is, I cannot get up in time to get to the gym before work.  The walk of shame involves walking head down, sullen, down the stairs to my garage to retrieve my carefully packed gym bag from the car because everything I need is in there from my bra, shoes to hair products.
This is my WALK OF SHAME and I have now made my alarm to say time to get up and get to the gym, don't do the walk of shame.

Sunday, April 7, 2013
Learning about fitness.  That is what I try to do every day.  I am a 41 year old mother of 3 who loves to work out but has yet to look as if I workout.  I have been working out for close to 20 years.  Cardio, weights, cardio and weight, weights only, classes, running, volleyball, walking you name it I have done it over the past 20 years in an effort to look healthy, however as I write this first post I weigh over 200 lbs. I have muscle but it is covered by fat which makes me look soft and unhealthy.  However I know that  I am healthier than 70% of the United states.  My goal is to look as healthy as I feel. 
I have read that it is probably my diet.  Which is perplexing to me.  I am not perfect, no where near it.  But I do know that my diet is again healthier than 70% of the US.  Fast food is rarely something I would eat and then only when I have not packed a cooler of snacks.  I had a snack wrap from McDonald's last week only out of desperation after attending a school event for my son that went longer than I had packed that morning for.

My goal for sharing my journey in writing is to figure out how to look like I feel and hope to inspire others to do the same.

I will be sharing tips, hints, tricks, workouts, motivation and general health and fitness knowledge  and hope it can help others to share the Health!