Sunday, April 7, 2013

Learning about fitness.  That is what I try to do every day.  I am a 41 year old mother of 3 who loves to work out but has yet to look as if I workout.  I have been working out for close to 20 years.  Cardio, weights, cardio and weight, weights only, classes, running, volleyball, walking you name it I have done it over the past 20 years in an effort to look healthy, however as I write this first post I weigh over 200 lbs. I have muscle but it is covered by fat which makes me look soft and unhealthy.  However I know that  I am healthier than 70% of the United states.  My goal is to look as healthy as I feel. 
I have read that it is probably my diet.  Which is perplexing to me.  I am not perfect, no where near it.  But I do know that my diet is again healthier than 70% of the US.  Fast food is rarely something I would eat and then only when I have not packed a cooler of snacks.  I had a snack wrap from McDonald's last week only out of desperation after attending a school event for my son that went longer than I had packed that morning for.

My goal for sharing my journey in writing is to figure out how to look like I feel and hope to inspire others to do the same.

I will be sharing tips, hints, tricks, workouts, motivation and general health and fitness knowledge  and hope it can help others to share the Health!

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