Monday, April 22, 2013


Today I did the walk of shame.  What is that and what does it have to do with health and fitness.  To understand my Walk of Shame I need to explain my routine and myself.

My big Bag

Toiletry bag - a necessity

Some of the items inside

I work out in the mornings before work.  I have a huge gym bag that has everything.  Explanation:  I live about 25 miles from the gym where I work out.  I know this goes against all advice you hear.  Find a gym close to your home or where you work.  My gym is neither.  My choice is quality and economical.  I have accepted that my gym is not close by so it makes me plan well.  I have been at the gym and forgotten essential items that I thought I packed the night before: bra, underwear- yikes, washcloth, a towel you name it I have been without it after a workout. Therefore, I have devised a system and found a gym bag that has enough space for back up items.  I bought it from Costco and it is the best bag I have found for everything.  It only cost $25 and is very sturdy.  - Now I do not work for Costco or anything but, I do recommend if you want a real gym bag that you check this one out. You cannot beat it for the money.  I have devised a system with this bag and the little bag that fits inside. 
It holds everything I would need after the gym.  Anyway, on with my story.  I pack this the night before I plan to work out. I also pick out my outfit and put it all in my car the night before so I do not have to carry it to the car in the morning.   It works great since moving my gym bag is a sort of workout in and of itself.  
Now everything is packed what the walk of shame is.......................
That next morning I am too sore, or too tired from listening to my husband snore or whatever my lame excuse is, I cannot get up in time to get to the gym before work.  The walk of shame involves walking head down, sullen, down the stairs to my garage to retrieve my carefully packed gym bag from the car because everything I need is in there from my bra, shoes to hair products.
This is my WALK OF SHAME and I have now made my alarm to say time to get up and get to the gym, don't do the walk of shame.

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