Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Initiation Crossfit

Well today I took a cross fit class for the first time.  It was intense and I plan to remember this day for the rest of my life. 
Here are the high points:
The routine we performed was the Filthy Fifty.   Here is what it was
Warm up-- Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 (progressively get heavier)
For time: 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in 
50 Jumping Pull-ups 
50 Kettle bell Swings, 35/26 lbs. 
50 Walking Lunges 
50 Knees To Elbows 
50 Push Press, 45/35 lbs. 
50 Back Extensions 
50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs. 
50 Burpees 
50 Double Unders

In the class there was probably 9 people all I am pretty sure were at least 10 years younger that this gal.  

We set up all the equipment (stations) boxes, jump ropes, kettle belles, and press bar.  Then the timer started.  I will tell you that I stared at the box for a good 40 seconds.  I was scared, I will admit it, it was tall, and I am not.  So I mustered up the courage to jump and I landed on the box (yah you may think -- success, --- hear eye of the tiger playing in the background) however as soon as I landed my legs decided not to straighten up and this gal back planted on the ground just as quickly as I had landed on the box I was down sprawled on my back (where were YouTube filmers when you need them that would have gotten a jillion hits).  Other class member were like are you ok (still doing their box jumps).  I will tell you that nothing was hurt (though it probably looked BAD) other than my pride.  I proceeded to get a shorter box.  Again, the courage mustering began, I shook my head and said to the instructor I think that is too high too, he turned it on its side, and I proceeded to do my box jumps. 
The time stopped at 33 minutes.  I had completed all but 25 Burpees and the double unders.  However, I know I could have finished- just not Rx'd obviously since I could not even do box jumps at correct height.  I was sweating and red and I gave it all that I had.  
In addition, I wasn't the only one who didn't finish.

Here's the reason I want to remember this day 12-4-13.  
  1. I faced my fear
  2. I failed (epic- but usually I don't attempt things I am not sure I can do)
  3. I fell 
  4. I didn't quit and kept going
  5. It so memorable because I am confident that I will perform better than I did on this day.  I will beat the girl I was today- no doubt

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