Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Year Resolution Advice

This past week I have been doing mostly classes so I have not posted a workout.  Here is what I completed on Friday.  I did not have a lot of time so wanted something quick and effective.  Found that the gym is much more crowded in the evening (on a Friday- usually it is not at all) due to it being the first of the year.  New Year’s resolution people.  I love it and hope it lasts for those who made resolutions to get fit. 
 I do have some suggestions for those starting out on a fitness program:
  1. Find a local group, friends or a Facebook group that you can join and post your workouts, food, problems etc... with is essential (A Fit Family).  I am the LAST person I thought would ever say this but it does help.  After going through the Kansas City Fitness program, KC Fitness Army it was a crucial part of keeping me going.  Just knowing there are others out there who support me, struggle with me and who "GET IT" helps fuel my fire and it will help you too.
  2. Figure out what your goals are.  Losing weight is not a goal.   If you just want to lose weight at this point, it is just a wish.  Figure out what that looks and feels like for you.  They need to specific and realistic about what relevant to you.  Write them down, make a vision board whatever make them measurable and specific.  
  3. Use visualizations to "see" yourself how you want to be.  This is HARD.  I struggle with this.   Work hard on seeing yourself, as you want to be, how your body feels, moves and how you feel and interact with others. Here's an article on the subject:
  4. Meet with a nutritionist who is able to understand #2.  Do you want to add muscle or just maintain it--- they need to know and understand this.  This is different that meeting with a trainer who will give you food suggestions (not saying that a trainer will not understand- but check their qualifications and track record with your Fitness Family.  You want someone who understands your specific goals.
  5. Meet with a reputable trainer.  (there should be no pressure to train with them if they do they may not be right for you)  They will usually give a consultation for free.  Prior to meeting do some research of your own on certifications etc...  They may also give you some advice you can use on your own.  If you are thinking of taking up weight training for the first time I recommend you use a trainer for a few sessions to show you how to properly train.
  6. Probably the most important thing: Do flexibility moves.  Foam rollers, balls (can use a tennis ball), stretching after an active warm up (do not stretch muscle before you warm up) are essential to keeping you on track.  Also after your workouts, stretching is very important.
If you truly want to get healthy, you will find the time to do what it takes, if not you will find excuses.